
Users Access Guide
LD (MSOA) - Settings (”Cogwheel” icon) - Users Access ⚠️ Note! This setting can only be found on LD MSOA! Name of your Users Access group ( Mandatory ...
Check That Advertiser or Affiliate Works Correctly
Navigate to: Traffic Distribution -> Advertisers Find the relevant Advertiser and open it. Go to the Logs section. Check for errors. The absence of er...
Auto Injector Set Up Guide
Navigate to Injections -> Auto-Injector section. Press the Plus button to initiate a new Injection. Assign it a Name and Description . Select F...
Auto + Sched for Rejectes
In this document, we will cover the process of creating an Auto-Injection for rejected leads and how to set up a Scheduled Report for rejected lead...
Auto - Inject Rejected
Auto Injector re-pushes rejected leads to other advertisers until they reach a selected state, for example, FTD. To create auto-injection for rejected...
Affiliate Integration (MSOA)
First you need to complete registration in our system using the following link: Please provide the email you use...
(MSOA) Leads Deduplication Guide
Leads deduplication is a feature that allows you to decline leads that already exist in the system for a certain period of time. You can set it up bas...
Brand Integration (MONO)
[ ] Send the IP addresses to be added to the white-list. (if it’s the IREV platform, then only send the IREV IPs, if you find yourself in the table, ...
Affiliate Integration (MONO)
First you need to complete registration in our system using the following link:<> Please provide the email you u...