Check That Advertiser or Affiliate Works Correctly


For Advertisers

Step 1: Basic Checks

  1. Navigate to:

    • Traffic Distribution -> Advertisers

    • Find the relevant Advertiser and open it.

    • Go to the Logs section.

    • Check for errors. The absence of errors indicates that pulling has been done correctly.

Step 2: Test Integration Settings

  1. Open Integration Settings:

    • Press Test Settings.

    • Click Submit.

    • If response is 200 and error-free, pushing is functional.

Additional Push Testing

  • You can further verify pushing by testing a push:

    • Press Test Push.

    • Input test lead data, adhering to advertiser's requirements.

    • Send the test lead and check for 200 response.

Step 3: Test Pulling

  1. To test Pulling:

    • Choose from Leads, Conversions, or Sale Statuses.

    • Select date range and click Submit.

    • Analyze the response.

For S2S Affiliates:

Step 1: Check Leads

  1. Go to Traffic Data -> Leads:

    • Search for leads associated with this affiliate.

Step 2: Investigate Discrepancies

  1. If discrepancies occur:

    • Navigate to Traffic Distribution -> Rotation Control.

    • Check affiliate setup.

    • Verify PQL Rules.

    • Confirm correct placement of Advertisers.

    • Check Caps and their limits.

Step 3: Test Affiliate Link

  1. Test push via affiliate link:

    • Access PP -> Offers.

    • Select an offer and generate an affiliate-specific link.

    • Enable VPN for the required country.

    • Submit a form through the generated link.

    • Monitor registration process using the points mentioned above.

Alternative Method

  • Alternatively, request the affiliate's own generated link from their tracker:

    • This link might contain crucial aff_subs and additional fields.

Step 4: For API Affiliates

  1. Simulate API Push:

    • Navigate to Gear Button -> API Tokens.

    • Find the relevant token and add your IP address to the whitelist.

    • Obtain the token.

    • Use our API documentation to mimic the push.


  • Validate this simulation using the aforementioned checks.