CRG advanced guide
CRG (conversion rate guarantee) is a payment model which allows clients to set mandatory payouts based on the guaranteed minimum conversion rate over a specified period of time.
Thus, the CRG revenue/payout formula aims to calculate a proper payout/revenue one gets for conversions that are counted as valid by an advertiser within the CRG deal they negotiated.
CRG revenue formulas
Formula variations
To count only valid pushed leads along will all FTDs, use this formula:
{ftd_revenue_model} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model}) * 100 >= {revenue_model_percent} ? {ftd_revenue_model} * {revenue_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model}) / 100 * {revenue_model_percent} * {revenue_model_cost}
Note: This is the default formula used to calculate revenue for CRG deals.
If you want to exclude invalid pushed leads from calculation as well as include all FTDs, the following formula should be used:
{ftd_revenue_model} / ({lead-pushed_revenue_model} - {lead-pushed_not-valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model}) * 100 >= {revenue_model_percent} ? {ftd_revenue_model} * {revenue_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_revenue_model} - {lead-pushed_not-valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model}) / 100 * {revenue_model_percent} * {revenue_model_cost}
If you need to only consider both valid pushed leads and valid FTDs, refer to the formula below:
{ftd_revenue_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus}) * 100 >= {revenue_model_percent} ? {ftd_revenue_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus} * {revenue_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_revenue_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus}) / 100 * {revenue_model_percent} * {revenue_model_cost}
Where to find in LD
You can view and update the existing formula (if needed) via Lead Distribution → Settings Navigation → CRM Terms.
When editing the CRG Revenue item, the formula can be changed in the corresponding area:
CRG payout formulas
Formula variations
To only count valid pushed leads along will all FTDs, use this formula:
{ftd_payout_model} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) * 100 >= {payout_model_percent} ? {ftd_payout_model} * {payout_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) / 100 * {payout_model_percent} * {payout_model_cost}
Note: This is the default formula used to calculate payout for CRG deals.
If you want to exclude invalid pushed leads from calculation as well as include all FTDs, the following formula should be used:
{ftd_payout_model} / ({lead-pushed_payout_model} - {lead-pushed_not-valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) * 100 >= {payout_model_percent} ? {ftd_payout_model} * {payout_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_payout_model} - {lead-pushed_not-valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) / 100 * {payout_model_percent} * {payout_model_cost}
If you need to only consider both valid pushed leads and valid FTDs, refer to the formula below:
{ftd_payout_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus}) * 100 >= {payout_model_percent} ? {ftd_payout_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus} * {payout_model_cost} : ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus}) / 100 * {payout_model_percent} * {payout_model_cost}
Where to find in LD
You can view and update the existing formula (if needed) via Lead Distribution → Settings Navigation → CRM Terms.
When editing the CRG Payout item, the formula can be changed in the corresponding area:
Advanced details
Parameters description
ftd_payout_model / ftd_revenue_model — total number of all FTDs counted for a CRG deal.
ftd_payout_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus / ftd_revenue_model_valid_isValidSaleStatus – total number of FTDs with CRM sale statuses marked as ‘Valid’ (i.e., valid FTDs) counted for a CRG deal.
lead-pushed_payout_model / lead-pushed_revenue_model – total number of all pushed leads counted for a CRG deal.
lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus — total number of pushed leads with CRM sale statuses marked as ‘Valid’ (i.e., valid leads) counted for a CRG deal.
lead-pushed_not-valid_isValidSaleStatus – total number of pushed leads with CRM sale statuses marked as ‘Invalid’ (i.e., invalid leads) counted for a CRG deal.
payout_model_percent / revenue_model_percent – conversion rate set for a CRG deal.
payout_model_cost / revenue_model_cost— cost per conversion set in a CRG deal (CPA/CPL a client gets for a valid pushed lead).
Calculation steps
Let us take the default payout formula as an example.
First, we calculate the total number of valid pushed leads and all FTDs to be considered.
{lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model} |
Here, if an FTD is resulted from a pushed lead which is already counted for the CRG deal, in calculating it is considered as an FTD but not as a pushed lead. For example, if there are 10 pushed leads and 3 of them resulted in FTDs, at this step, they are counted as 7 pushed leads + 3 FTDs = 10.
Next, we divide the total number of all FTDs that are counted for the given CRG deal by the resulting number in Step 1, then multiply the result by 100% to calculate the actual conversion rate. Finally, we check if the required conversion percentage is achieved or not.
{ftd_payout_model} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) * 100 |
If the resulting percentage is equal to or greater than the required CRG percent threshold, the total number of all FTDs counted for the given CRG deal is multiplied by the cost per conversion to calculate the total amount an affiliate network pays to the affiliate.
{ftd_payout_model} * {payout_model_cost} |
Otherwise, if the resulting percentage is less than the required CRG percent threshold, the affiliate network pays based on pushed leads instead of FTDs, using the same percentage and cost per conversion specified for the CRG deal, applying them to the number of pushed leads.
First, we calculate the total number of valid pushed leads and all FTDs counted for the CRG deal:
{lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model} |
Here, if an FTD is resulted from a pushed lead which is already counted for the CRG deal, in calculating it is considered as an FTD but not as a pushed lead. For example, if there are 10 pushed leads and 3 of them resulted in FTDs, at this step, they are counted as 7 pushed leads +3 FTDs = 10.
Then, we divide the resulting number by 100 and multiply it by the required conversion percentage set for a CRG deal to determine the number of pushed leads to pay for.
({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) / 100 * {payout_model_percent} |
Finally, the resulting number is multiplied by the cost per conversion to calculate the total amount the network needs to pay.
({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) / 100 {payout_model_percent} * {payout_model_cost} |
Let us say that we have a CRG deal with the following conditions:
Period: 06.01.2025 – 10.01.2025
Required conversion rate: 20%
Cost per conversion: $30
Type: payout
Case 1. For the mentioned period there were 200 valid pushed leads and 80 of them converted into FTDs:
{ftd_payout_model} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) * 100 = 80 / (120 + 80) * 100 = 40
Resulted conversion rate (40%) is greater than the one specified for the deal (20%) meaning that it meets the CRG deal condition, so
{ftd_payout_model} * {payout_model_cost} = 80 * 30 = 2400
Thus, the client needs to pay their affiliate $2400 according to this CRG deal.
Case 2. For the mentioned period there were 200 valid pushed leads and 25 of them converted into FTDs:
{ftd_payout_model} / ({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) * 100 = 25 / (175 + 25) * 100 = 12.5
Resulted conversion rate (12.5%) is less than the one specified for the deal (20%) meaning that it does not meet the CRG deal conditions, so
({lead-pushed_valid_isValidSaleStatus} + {ftd_payout_model}) / 100 * {payout_model_percent} * {payout_model_cost} = (175 + 25) / 100 * 20 * 30 = 1200
Thus, the client needs to pay their affiliate $1200 according to this CRG deal.
Important highlights
To ensure accurate calculations, consider the following:
A rule in the Payout/Revenue tree is only applied to the pushed lead state. If a pushed lead already counted for a CRG rule is converted into an FTD, the same rule continues to be applied to it (i.e., no other FTD rule will be applied).
A goal for the pushed lead state for required advertisers is required to be created via Lead Distribution → Settings Navigation → Goals → Items. Example:
In CRM Terms, for CRG Payout and CRG Revenue formulas must only be set the following formats:
CRG Payout – for CRG Payout formula
CRG Revenue – for CRG Revenue formula
This aspect is essential to ensure accurate calculation of payout or revenue amounts, as they must be calculated as the total sum for all advertisers/affiliates rather than based on the average rate.
All the corresponding CRM sale statuses need to be marked as “Valid” or “Invalid” to only include valid leads in the CRG deal or to exclude invalid ones (depending on the formula variation you select) via Lead Distribution → Settings Navigation → CRM Sale Statuses.
Thus, all the advertisers’ sale statuses need to be mapped via Lead Distribution → Traffic Distribution → Sale Statuses.
Otherwise, potentially valid leads with unmapped statuses will not be included in the CRG deal or potentially invalid leads will be included (depending on the formula variation you select).
In calculation, the resulting numbers are not rounded.