How to place a postback


In order to track conversions back to your tracker you need to place a postback inside of your Affiliate Area. You can place a postback on specific offer (Default) or on all offers at once (Global). Here's how to do that.

Default postback

  1. Open Affiliate Trackers in side menu.

  2. Select Default on top.

  3. Press the plus button.

  4. Select offer you wish to place a postback for.

  5. Select goal from that offer you wish to place a postback for.

  6. Select type - Postback with Click ID.

  7. Content - place your postback.

    1. Important - you need to transfer a unique identifier of each click to us in order for postback to work. Usually it's click id or similar ID from your tracker. See this guide to find out how to send it:

    2. You need to place a placeholder for the affsub you're using to transfer us the ID from your trakcer into your postback. For example, if your postback link is{cid} and you're using AffSub2 to send us click id value, than the postback would look like:{aff_sub2}.

  8. Press Submit.

Global Postback

  1. Open Affiliate Trackers in side menu.

  2. Select Global on top.

  3. Press the plus button.

  4. Select goal type you wish to place a postback for.

  5. Select type - Postback.

  6. Content - place your postback.

    1. Important - you need to transfer a unique identifier of each click to us in order for postback to work. Usually it's click id or similar ID from your tracker. See this guide to find out how to send it:

    2. You need to place a placeholder for the affsub you're using to transfer us the ID from your trakcer into your postback. For example, if your postback link is{cid} and you're using AffSub2 to send us click id value, than the postback would look like:{aff_sub2}.

  7. Select Archived - No.

  8. Press Submit.