How to generate an offer link


There're two ways you can generate a link inside of the Affiliate Area. First one is by using link generator located at the bottom of the dashboard, second one is to use a generator located inside each individual offer. Let's take a look at both.

Dashboard Link Generator

  1. If you just opened the Affiliate Area you will have the Dashboard already opened before you, just scroll down until you see Tracking Link Generator.

  2. Otherwise, select Dashboard on the side menu and scroll down until you see a Tracking Link Generator.

  3. Here look at Settings.

  4. Select offer you wish to take a link from.

  5. Select URL

  6. Add additional parameters in Unique Identifires if you wish.

    1. For example, if you're using a third-party tracker and want to have a postback installed, you need to transfer an ID from that tracker, like click_id. Select one of the Aff Subs as a type and place a placeholder of this ID parameter as a value. Like Aff Sub 2 and value of {click_id}. This way when you will place our link into the campaing inside you tracker, the click id value would be transferred to us.

    2. If you require more than one additional parameter, press the plus button near Unique Identifiers

  7. Copy the link by clicking on Copy to Clipboard button at the end of the Link bar.

Offer Page Link Generator

  1. Open the Offers section in side menu.

  2. Select the needed offer by clicking on it's name.

  3. Inside an offer, select Tracking Link

  4. Select URL

  5. Add additional parameters in Unique Identifires if you wish.

    1. For example, if you're using a third-party tracker and want to have a postback installed, you need to transfer an ID from that tracker, like click_id. Select one of the Aff Subs as a type and place a placeholder of this ID parameter as a value. Like Aff Sub 2 and value of {click_id}. This way when you will place our link into the campaing inside you tracker, the click id value would be transferred to us.

    2. If you require more than one additional parameter, press the plus button near Unique Identifiers

  6. Copy the link by clicking on Copy to Clipboard button at the end of the Link bar.