Multicurrency Affiliate
General info
Now the multicurrency system has become an integral part of the CRM. It’s used in all sections and allows you to reivew each currency separately.
For that purpose, each section of the CRM that holds any financial records has a currency selector. It filters the contents of the page and returns only the values that are related to the selected currency.
For now, the currency conversion isn’t embedded, and there is no global report on all currencies. But we are constantly updating the platform to improve its end-to-end workflow.
In the 1.1.16 release, we’ve introduced the first iteration of Multicurrency, which included currency conversion via a third-party provider. It’s still completely functional, but it’s only applicable in the billing section.
If you use only one currency, the functionality and visual interface remain as usual; all additional currency selectors and options will be hidden.
How is currency assigned to conversions?
Now, currencies are attached to offers. It distributes the currency across all conversions associated with the offer.
It allows you to easily manage the currency portfolio in use: by selecting specific offers to promote, you are 100% sure what currency is going to be used in financial fields and in your payout.
Moreover, if an offer currency gets changed, it won’t modify any historical data; only the upcoming conversions will take the new currency for their financial fields.
Review currency information across the CRM
As a general rule, pages that hold information now have a currency selector that allows you to review data for each currency separately. However, there are some exceptions.
The article proceeds with the general tools of reviewing currency, followed by CRM sections that involve a different approach to reviewing and applying currency changes.
Select a currency to filter the data to only show records in that currency. Data in other currencies will be hidden.
Open aa dashboard multicurrency.png
This method applies to the following sections:
Drilldown Reports
Comparing Analytics.
For other sections that display tables, currency management is slightly different. You can filter the contents of the page using a filter rather than a designated selector. The filter is called Currency Code for all such sections of the CRM.
This method applies to the following sections:
Conversions table
The Earnings page also involves the usage of filters, but there is an important detail.
When no currency is selected, the page displays the following information:
The top widget shows information according to the default CRM currency.
The table below includes entries with all possible currencies.
When the currency is selected via a quick filter, the page displays the following information:
The top widget shows information according to the selected currency.
The table below includes only entries with the selected currency.
Data Exporter has a unique tool for changing currency in its reports, and this is done by applying a condition.
This condition is available only for Conversions report.