How to create Affiliate Payout rules?


In this article, we will walk you through examples of how to create payout rules both simple and complex ones.

Simple payout rule

The simplest way to create your first payout is to place the "Payout" element directly into the Home Root. This method is effective if you work with a small number of sources and countries.

Steps to create a simple payout:

  1. Click "Add New".

  1. Select the "Payout" option.

  1. Select rule type ("Affiliate", "Country" or "Pass All" are recommended).

  1. Fill in the needed information.

  2. Press the "Submit" button.

Note: This type of payout setup is not suitable when you have a large number of sources and countries. For such scenarios, a more appropriate method is discussed below.

Complex payout rule

If you are operating on a larger scale and working with many countries and sources, it is advisable to add an additional layer of rules Folders. We will create a folder for each affiliate, and within these folders, we will place payouts for certain countries.

Steps to create a complex payout:

  1. Click "Add New" in the Home Root.

  2. Select the "Folder" option.

  1. Select "Affiliate" as the rule.

  1. Fill in the needed information.

  2. Press the "Submit" button.

  3. Repeat steps 15 for every affiliate needed.

  4. Create Payouts inside each folder following the steps from the simple payout example, select rule type "Country".

Additional Layer to Payout

An extra layer of folders with the Advertiser rule can be added to your payout setup. As a result, your Payouts would be distributed based on Affiliate Advertiser Geo.

Steps to create additional layer:

Follow the steps mentioned under "Complex payout rule", with a slight modification at step 8: Create additional folders for every needed advertiser inside each affiliate folder.


To wrap it up, here are a few tips about payout creation:

  • If you do not want to place a specific rule on a folder or entity, you can always select the "Pass All" rule. This will allow any type of traffic to enter the entity it is applied for.

  • Spend some time planning your payout structure, especially if you are dealing with a large amount of traffic, advertisers, affiliates, etc.