How to setup brand integration (MSOA)


This article is a step-by-step guide on how to create a brand integration for our current (MSOA) CRM

Step 1. Receive the data for the new brand and send them the required information (first you need to specify the IP addresses to be sent):

Send the IP addresses to be added to the white list. (if it’s the IREV platform, then only send the IREV IPs).

"Hello guys, please provide api docs, creds and whitelist our ip's"

Specify the brand name. For example, the chat name may look like this: Media king - Name. However, the name may be specified sometimes. For example: "we need an integration to new brand BrandName"

Step 2. Setting up the LD

1) Go to "Advertisers" and click on the “+” sign

2) Fill in the data based on your requirements

3) Once the Advertiser is created, go to the “Integration Settings” section and fill the data as shown on the screenshot below

4) Scroll down and fill the “Advertiser Required Fields” section as required by the brand

5) After filling the “Integration Settings” and the “Advertiser Required Fields” sections, scroll up, click “Actions” → “Test settings

If you see an error message, check the logs. Empty body doesn’t always mean that the integration is not working. We still need to push the lead

6) Setup the rotation for the brand with the Test affiliate (go to the “test” folder, insert the brand’s id for the advertiser)

Rotation setup guide can be found here

If you already have a relevant Rotation Folder set, change the Advertiser to the one you’re going to send the test to

Make sure that the Rotation in question is active!

Step 3 (Optional). Editing the Goal Types

Please skip this step if you don't require any edits in the Goal Types

1) In the created "Advertiser" go to the "Goals" page and click on the “Pencil” sign

2) Fill in the information as shown on the screenshot and click “Submit

Once the Rotation and Goal are set, we can send a Test Lead

Step 4. Sending the Test Lead

1) There are two ways to perform the Test:

  1. Via Postman

  2. Via the Offer Link

2) Once the test lead was sent to the required GEO, mark it as "Test"

A video guide on how to mark a lead as "Test" can be found here

3) Ask the brand to fire ftd and send the lead’s email

If we get a response that the FTD was fired, send the following message:

"Lets wait till we can see this FTD in our system"

After we see the FTD, we say:

"Excellent! We can see FTD. Thank you for your cooperation. The integration /id... is complete"

If you get the error “Unable to access the webpage” - it means that it was supposed to be like this. But we send the screenshot of the error and write:

"Hello. We pushed the lead There’s no autologin."

FTD - Edit test status → yes

If you will need our help, please contact support