Lead Distribution
Discover comprehensive and detailed information about the Lead Distribution platform.
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Track your traffic performance with customizable metrics and dynamic charts.
1 article
Traffic Distribution
Manage traffic rotation rules, advertisers, and sale statuses.
3 categories
18 articles
Traffic Data
Analyze each lead uncovering their details, relations, and characteristics.
2 articles
Lead Conversions
Set up payout rules and study conversion data.
9 articles
Build a unique funnel link or personalize your funnel page.
3 articles
Pixels & Postbacks
Set up rules to transmit required traffic data to third-party tracking systems.
4 articles
Capture through statistics on your campaings in a variety of ways.
8 articles
Finance and Tools
Generate invoices and update leads' payout and revenue.
4 articles
Release Notes
Review the latest updates.
14 articles
11 articles
How to...
4 articles
8 articles