How to use the Deals Updater in the Partners Platform
In this article, we will look into the Deals Updater section of our Partners Platform.
Step 1. Navigate to the Billing section in the Main Menu.
Step 2. Open the Deals Updater.
Step 3. Filter the conversions and set the payout/revenue
Conversions can be filtered in two ways:
Search based on filters
Manual insertion of Conversion IDs
Filter-based search:
Select Brand (mandatory).
Select Advertiser (mandatory).
Choose additional filters like Offers, and Countries.
If you wish to update conversions of a particular deal type (CPA, CPL, etc), select Goal Type. If not, you may filter by a particular Goal.
Set the Date Range.
Choose the Update Type:
Payout & Revenue
Enter the new values.
Manual insertion:
Enter Conversion IDs into the 'Conversions IDs' field.
Choose the Update Type:
Payout & Revenue
Enter the new values.
Click 'Next Step'.
Provide a reason for the update (minimum of 30 characters).
Review the number of conversions to be updated and the values.
Click 'Approve'.
If you are using both the Leads Distribution and the Partners Platform CRMs, please refer to this guide when updating conversions.