Added an option to receive additional FTD data from advertisers via postbacks
Now, an advertiser can assign a specific payout value of an FTD ignoring Affiliate Payout tree in our system. Additionally, they can send other Lead Profile data for which "Advertiser" is set as "Group".
To enable this for an advertiser, follow the steps below:
Go to Settings Navigation → Pulling Mappings and create a new item as follows:
Select Postback for the “Source” field
Select ftd for the “Type“ field
Select required advertiser in the corresponding field
Copy the URL displayed in the respective column:
To the link, add the necessary keys you want the advertiser to send. The default link looks as follows:
Example: https://example.com/api/postbacks/v1/callback/229003a2-a50e-4082-9b51-1d48b62e9e04?id={externalId}&payout={payout}&adv_sub={adv_sub}&aff_sub2={aff_sub2}
Mind that id (external lead ID) is required.
Provide your advertiser with the resulting link.
Improved Deals Updater
Added an option to update deals revenue and payout values to 0. This allows you to accurately reflect deals that have no monetary value thus ensuring the deals data is precise and correct.
Added an option to sort all columns in Traffic Data
This feature makes it easier to group identical data alphabetically in ascending or descending order and examine it.
Note: You can sort all Lead Profile columns except for ones having the “Selector“ format.
The “Pixels” tab moved to “Landings”
For better organization and navigation, “Pixels“ have been moved to “Landings“:
Whereas “Postbacks“ have become a separate tab in the sidebar:
Fixed an issue with auto injector
Auto injector attempted to send leads according to Rotation Control rules even when a certain advertiser to push to had been set. Now, auto injector works properly and pushes leads to the specified advertiser.
Fixed an issue with a lead page link
A lead page link redirected to the Dashboard instead of the intended lead page. Now, each link correctly opens the corresponding lead page.