Added an option to edit lead information
To do so, check the “Editable“ box for a newly-created or an already existing Lead Profile item.
Note: To be able to edit lead’s information, make sure that the Unsecured mode is switched on.
Now, you can edit such items right in Traffic Data tables:
Alternatively, you can edit all the editable items via lead’s page, the Lead Profile section. To do so, click the highlighted icon:
Then, in the appeared window, you can edit all the information at once.
Important: The option to edit Lead Profile items is only available for the following formats: "Email", "Phone", "Text", "Hash", "Date", "Offer ID", "Affiliate ID", "Number", "Affiliate Name".
Added the “Select All” option to filters and conditions
The selecting procedure has become more convenient. It allows you to select or deselect all the options in a single click.
You may find the option in CRM sale status and error filters (e.g., in Traffic Data tables):
Also, this is available in reports' conditions (e.g., to select all errors of a certain type):
Added an option to specify affiliates when creating CRG rules for advertisers
This allows you to create more flexible and precise CRG rules via Advertiser Revenue.
Added the ability to copy lead’s email address
You can now copy a lead’s email address in one click via Traffic Data and Conversions tables and search for a required lead faster.
Note: To copy an email address, make sure that the Unsecured mode is switched on.
The email filter has become case-insensitive
For convenience, the mentioned filter has become case-insensitive in Traffic Data and Conversions tables.
Fixed numeric values changing when scrolling a window
Numeric values used to get changed when scrolling a setting window. Now, they remain unchanged while scrolling.