How to create a net gaming program?


This article describes how to create a net gaming referral program.

Step 1.Referral Business Models

First thing we need to setup is Refferal Payout Model for our net gaming refferal programm. Open Settings (Geat button bottom left corner) → Refferal Business Models.

  1. Press the Plus Button

  2. Name - NGC

  3. Short Name - ngc

  4. Formula - {net_gaming_amount}/100*{referral_payout}

  5. Hint - Percentage of the net gaming value

  6. Press submit

Step 2. Referral Program

Once the model is created we can create a Referral Program. Open Settings (Geat button bottom left corner) → Refferal Programs.

  1. Press the Plus Button.

  2. Name - ngc

  3. Program Type - Referral Correction

  4. Press the plus near Add Models.

  5. Referral Payout Model - NGC (the one we created)

  6. Payout - set payout

    1. The payout is a percentage.

  7. Press plus near Add Conditions.

  8. Field - Goal Type

  9. Sign - Contained In

  10. Value - Gaming Data

  11. Privacy - Private

  12. Press Submit