Sale Statuses walkthrough


In this article you may find information on the Sae Statuses tab main functionality.

On this tab, you can assign your CRM sale statuses created in the "CRM Sale Statuses" settings (at the left of the screenshot below) to sale statuses of any of your advertisers if their statuses are enabled (the "Unassigned Advertiser Statuses" area).

To manually assign CRM sale statuses to advertiser’s ones you need to click the Pencil icon next to the CRM Sale Status line you wish to assign.

Then, in the sale status mapping window select an advertiser’s sale status to be assigned to the CRM one.

Or you can simply drag a necessary advertiser sale status from the "Unassigned Advertiser Statuses" section to the required CRM Sale Status line.

If you need to create a new CRM sale status, click the "Go to CRM Sale Statuses" button located on the top of the page.

Then, create a new sale status or edit an existing one.

We recommend you to get familiar with this article to learn more on how to create a sale status.