Affiliate Invoice Consolidation


This feature allows you to unite invoices of several affiliate accounts into a single one. It’s designed for cases where a single person or a company runs several affiliate accounts and wants to centralize and simplify the billing process.

Consolidated invoices are visible for all affiliates in the consolidation group, and their payment information is based on the default payment method of any of these affiliates.

For consistency of financial data, we recommend keeping one payment method as the default one for a consolidation group and don’t change it.

Create an Affiliate Invoice Consolidation group

  1. Go to Settings Navigation>Affiliate Invoice Consolidation.

  2. Click the Plus icon to create a new group.

  1. Fill in the fields as follows:

Payment Method – this financial information will be used in Earnings, Invoices, and Payments for the consolidation group. After adding the list of affiliates, you can select one from the list of their default payment methods.

Active – enable or disable the group.

How to create a consolidated Earnings List?

There are two ways to create Earnings in general, and they both support Affiliate Invoice Consolidation:

  1. Add a single Earnings List

  2. Add Earnings lists for all active affiliates

Add a single Earnings List

  1. Go to Finance&Tools>Earnings.

  2. Click the Plus button.

  3. Skip the Affiliate ID field, fill in the Affiliate Invoice Consolidation,Date Filter, and Select Dates.

As a result, all affiliates' conversions and transactions are added in a single Earnings List. It can be edited and passed further to Invoices and Payments.

Add Earnings lists for all active affiliates

  1. Go to Finance&Tools>Earnings.

  2. Click the Create Earnings For Active Affiliates button.

  3. Fill in the fields and click the Preview button.

  4. Review all consolidation groups in a separate line. If it’s fine, click the Create button.

All listed Earnings will be created and added to the Earnings table. Earnings for Affiliate Invoice Consolidation have several affilaites in the Affiliate(s) column.

How to create a consolidated Invoice or Payment?

There are also 2 ways to do it:

  1. Select several Earnings Lists and create Invoices or Payments via the Action button.

  2. Create a single Invoice or a Payment.

To create several consolidatet invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Select checkboxes by one or several Earnings, then click the Actions button

  2. Select the action you what to perform and fill in the fields.

As a consequence, Invoices or Payments will be created for all selected Earnings Lists.

Alternatively, you can create consolidated Invoices and Payments manually:

  1. Go to Finance&Tools>Invoices\Payments

  2. Click the Plus button.

  3. Fill in the fields, starting from the Affiliate Invoice Consolidation and Earnings fields.