How to add Metrics to Dashboard?


Follow these steps to add metrics to the General Chart or top charts:

  1. Go to Settings Navigation>CRM Settings>General Chart.

  1. Select a chart that you want to add a metric to.

  2. Choose metrics from a drop-down list and click Submit.

There is a different procedure for adding metrics to the top widget:

  1. Go to the Settings Navigation>Main Tree.

  2. Select the Management tab, then click CRM Settings.

  1. Click the Default folder, then add or edit the Metrics Dashboard rule.

  2. Select metrics you want be able to use in the top widget and click Submit.

  1. Return to the top widget and click the Gear button to configure the list of metrics used in the widget.

  1. In the opened Widget Settings, you can add remove metrics from the widget as well as change their order.