How to setup the affiliate integration (MONO)


This article is a step-by-step guide on how to create an affiliate integration for our old (MONO) CRM

Step 1. Send the following message to your new affiliate:

First you need to complete registration in our system using the following link: Please provide the email you used to register, and your IP's for whitelist

Replace the “” with your Partner Platform URL

Step 2. Create a new token in LD

1) Open your "LD" and go to "Api Tokens"

2) Open in new (second) window existing API tokens to use as an example

3) Add new API in the first window, as shown in the screenshot below

4) Set up rotation control for "Test RF" testedit → select new affiliate → Advertiser must be "Demo Provider"

5) Set the Advertiser to "Demo Provider" by making the following edits

Step 3. Send the second message

"Here is our API docs and creds:

Endpoint -

token - X

Please tag me once you will be ready for tests, and pass funnel name to us in tp_aff_subX Also please send the test value in tp_aff_sub5 for the test lead only"

Replace the “” with your LD URL

Step 4. Send the API Documentation

The relevant API documentation can be found here

Endpoint ← paste your LD system URL. For example: Token - X ← paste new token “…pass funnel name to us in tp_aff_sub#” ← See which tp_aff_sub is used by you.

Example message for an affiliate:

"Here is our API docs Endpoint -

token - bb3dd3ab48c89a33cd44bc33cd99cc99

Please tag me once you will be ready for tests, and pass funnel name to us in tp_aff_sub4"

If the affiliate asks “which geo for test?” - we answer “Any geo”

They will send us email of test lead. It must be checked and will be fired/marked as FTD as a test lead

After this, back to default state for Rotation control.

Step 5. Once everything is done, send the following messages

"FTD was fired. Please check."

If the affiliate asks about autologin, we say: Yes, its ok, because it’s a test brand and no autologin. Everything will be fine after the test.

When the integration is done:

"Excellent! Thank you for your cooperation. The Integration is done."

If you will need help with the setup, please contact support.