Injections walkthrough


What is it?

Injection is a module that helps in uploading leads into the system. The leads can originate from third-party resources or the CRM itself.

When should I use it?

This tool proves useful in two primary scenarios:



Rejected Leads

Leads were directed to an offer page successfully but were turned down due to not meeting certain minor advertiser requirements. You can modify these properties to align with the criteria and re-push the leads.

Affiliate Integration Absence

An affiliate doesn't have an integration with the CRM, resulting in the successful leads' data not being automatically transmitted to the CRM. Here, you can obtain a list from the affiliate and inject it into the system.


The Injection module consists of two main processes:

  1. Creating a list of leads

  2. Performing an injection


  • Lists can be found under Injections > Lists.

  • Every list encapsulates various leads and their associated data.

Steps to Add a List:

  1. Click plus.

  2. Input a name and a brief description for the list, and then hit Submit.

  3. Once it's appended to the table, tap on its ID followed by Import Leads.

Methods to Incorporate Leads to a List:



Copy leads from the CRM

- Leads from the CRM can be selected by filtering them based on date. <br> - Furthermore, filtering can be done using specific FSM states, countries, and advertisers. <br> - Proceed to the next step to view the full list of leads. Confirm by clicking import leads.

Add new leads from a CSV file

- A CSV file is acceptable if it comprises fewer than 300 rows. <br> - Map CRM columns to those present in the CSV file. This can be verified on the preview table. <br> - All columns labeled as "Required" must be linked to columns from the CSV. Failure to do so will prevent list creation.

Notes:If a column bears the "Required" tag and you wish to modify it, how can it be changed?If you necessitate an additional CRM column, how can it be incorporated?


With the list populated with leads, injections can commence.

  • Navigate to Injections and tap on plus.

  • This menu allows you to tailor the injection specifics.




Opt for the list containing the leads for injection.


The leads will be channeled to the selected advertiser.

Interval Min\Max

Leads are injected with sporadic pauses. Exact injection timings can't be preset, but minimum and maximum intervals between injections can be determined.

Start Injection On

Allows us to specify the time when the injection should begin


Configure specific lead attributes like OS version, related offer, and more.

Traffic provider

Leads will be directed from this TP.


To monitor the injection's progress, refer to the statuses exhibited in the widget. Go to the Injections table and select Injection name.




Ongoing injection with the lead queued up.

In Progress

The injection hasn't concluded.


The lead has been successfully injected.


The injection activity has been halted.


An issue occurred, preventing successful lead push.

Error Description: Should any mishaps arise, the error specifics can be retrieved from the quick view. Access Logs and browse through the modifications list.

Step 1. Accessing the Injection Section

  • Create a new Injection.

  • Open the Injections section.

  • Open the created injection.

Step 2. Uploading the CSV File

  • On the top right corner, press the Add Leads button.

  • Select From CSV File.

  • Insert your desired CSV File.

Step 3. Formatting the CSV File

  • Ensure each row represents a single lead.

  • The first row is interpreted as the column's name.

  • Make sure all lead data is appropriately divided into columns.

  • You can include additional information, like AffSubs.

  • Mandatory columns to have:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Password

    • Email

    • Phone

  • The actual name of the columns inside the file isn't significant.

💡 Here’s an example of a correct Injections CSV file

CSV Example.csv

Step 4. Mapping and Importing Leads

  • Press Next Step.

  • Match the file's columns to the CRM Columns.

    • Note: Any unmatched columns will be ignored.

  • Press Import Leads. The imported leads will then appear inside the injection.

Step 5. Final

  • Start the Injection.