Master Affiliate Setup Guide



A master affiliate is an affiliate capable of referring new affiliates to an affiliate program. They are enjoying a second tier commission (also known as Master Affiliate Commission) from the results that the referred affiliates are generating.

In our system Master Affiliate as a feature is repsented by Affiliate Groups, with one affiliate being a master (group is created under him) and other affiliates inside the group being the reffered affiliates.

In order to create a Master Affiliate, we should create a group, setup a Fee for the master affiliate that he will recieve from his reffered affiliates, and attach reffered affiliates to the group. Below is a guide how to do so.

⚠️ This guide requires you to have both master and reffered affiliate’s accounts created.

1. Create the Affiliate Group

Open Gear Button → Affiliate Groups, or type Affiliate Groups in the searchbar.

  1. Press the Plus button.

  2. Give the group a name.

  3. Select the Master Affiliate.

    1. Note that master affiliate is selected only from existing affiliate accounts, so if this is a new affiliate, check that he has an account created or create it before creating an Affiliate Group.

  4. Press Submit

Once the group is created, we need to setup a fee that Master Affiliate will recieve for conversions made by his reffered affiliates.

2. Setup a Master Affiliate Fee

Open Affiliates → Affiliates, or type Affiliates in the searchbar

  1. Find and open the Affiliate that you assigned as a master.

  2. Select Fees & Qualifications.

  3. Find Fee section.

  4. Press Plus Button.

Here, we’re intersted in two options:

  • Master Affiliate Percentage Fee - add a certain percent of the payout from reffered affiliate’s conversions to the master affiliate.

  • Master Affiliate Static Fee - add a certain amount of the payout from reffered affiliate’s conversions to the master affiliate.

Both of these can be either deduced from the reffered affiliate’s payout for the conversion, or added as a bonus to the master affiliate, without reducing reffered affiliate payout.

Master Affiliate Percentage Fee

  • Select Master Affiliate Percentage Fee.

  • Select a Rule

    • If you want to extract a fee from each conversion, select Pass All.

    • If you want to extract a fee from conversions from a specific geo, select Country.

    • If you want to extract a fee from conversions of specific type, or use a multi-rule such as Country + Goal Type, select Complex Rules and there select Free PQL.

      • For a specific Goal Type, press Plus near Rules for PQL.

        • Field - Goal Type

        • Sign - Contain In

        • Value:

          • Gaming Data - Net Gaming conversions, recommended for RevShare affiliates

          • FTD - FTD conversions, recommended for CPA affiliates

          • Registration - Registration conversions, recommended for CPL affiliates

      • For a Goal Type + Country rule, press Plus near Rules for PQL twice.

      • Select And

      • First Rule:

        • Field - Goal Type

        • Sign - Contain In

        • Value:

          • Gaming Data - Net Gaming conversions, recommended for RevShare affiliates

          • FTD - FTD conversions, recommended for CPA affiliates

          • Registration - Registration conversions, recommended for CPL affiliates

      • Second Rule:

        • Field - Country

        • Sign - Contained In

        • Value - specify countries

  • Type a percent inside Percentage Fee field.

  • Decide whether it will be deduced from payout of reffered affiliate or not.

  • Press Submit

Master Affiliate Static Fee

  • Select Master Affiliate Static Fee.

  • Select a Rule

    • If you want to extract a fee from each conversion, select Pass All.

    • If you want to extract a fee from conversions from a specific geo, select Country.

    • If you want to extract a fee from conversions of specific type, or use a multi-rule such as Country + Goal Type, select Complex Rules and there select Free PQL.

      • For a specific Goal Type, press Plus near Rules for PQL.

        • Field - Goal Type

        • Sign - Contain In

        • Value:

          • Gaming Data - Net Gaming conversions, recommended for RevShare affiliates.

          • FTD - FTD conversions, recommended for CPA affiliates.

          • Registration - Registration conversions, recommended for CPL affiliates.

      • For a Goal Type + Country rule, press Plus near Rules for PQL twice.

      • Select And

      • First Rule:

        • Field - Goal Type

        • Sign - Contain In

        • Value:

          • Gaming Data - Net Gaming conversions, recommended for RevShare affiliates.

          • FTD - FTD conversions, recommended for CPA affiliates.

          • Registration - Registration conversions, recommended for CPL affiliates.

      • Second Rule:

        • Field - Country

        • Sign - Contained In

        • Value - specify countries

  • Type an amount inside Static Fee field.

  • Decide whether it will be deduced from payout of reffered affiliate or not.

  • Press Submit

3. Add Reffered Affiliates

Once Fees are setup and Group is created, we can assing reffered affiliates to our Master Affiliate. Open Affiliates → Affiliates, or type Affiliates in the searchbar.

  • Find the Affiliate that should be a reffered affiliate.

  • Press Edit button near it.

    • Pencil button on the most right column of the table.

  • Open Additional section.

  • Find Affiliate Group selector on the bottom right.

  • Select Affiliate Group that you just created.

  • Press Submit

  • Repeat for all Affiliates that should be reffered Affiliates of this Master Affiliate.