Finances Manual


Finance Earnings



Finance Earnings allows you to create and edit already existing Earnings. An Earning is the sum of all payouts and bonuses for an Affiliate for a specific period. Once created, the total earning will be added to the Available balance in the Affiliate's area, unless the status changes to Paid.

Steps to Create and Edit Earnings

Step 1. Press the Plus button in the Earnings section.

Step 2. On the top left, select Affiliate and Date Filter.

  • Created At: Date of conversion creation

  • AFM Date: Date of conversion approval

Step 3. Select Date Range and press Regenerate Earning.

Step 4. You’ll see a list of conversions and sums in Current Approved Payout and adjacent windows.

Step 5. Filter further using selectors like Type, Goal Type, etc. right below these windows.

Step 6. Approved and Qualified columns have selectors for unqualifying or unapproving conversions.

Step 7. After selecting, Payout Changes shows the sum of excluded payout, and Total New Payout and Revenue will update.

Step 8. Press Apply Changes on the top right corner. (2FA Auth required)

Step 9. Once satisfied, press Save as Draft and return to Finance Earnings table.

Step 10. Your new earning will show with a Draft status.

Step 11. Press Apply button (Arrow mark button) on the right of this Earning. (2FA Auth required)

Additional Actions

  • Change to Paid to exclude this amount.

  • Create an Invoice in the Invoices section, or pay as it is.

  • Affiliates can also create an Invoice in their Affiliate Area.

Finance Invoices


Allows the creation and editing of invoices for Affiliates.

Steps to Create an Invoice

Step 1. Press the Plus Button.

Step 2. Enter Name and Description.

Step 3. Select an Affiliate or Affiliate Group.

Step 4. Select Dates and Set the amount.

Step 5. Attach the Earning in the Earnings field.

Step 6. Set the status and Upload files.

Step 7. Choose Payment system and Currency, and fill required payment details.

Additional Information

  • Affiliates will see this Invoice in their area, except for Draft status.

  • For Pending status, the Invoice amount is added to the Affiliate's Pending Balance.

Finance Payments


Enables the creation of Payments, as opposed to Invoices which are payment requests.

Specific Details

  • Attach an Invoice or an Earning.

  • Upload receipts or bank documents during creation.

  • When the status changes to Paid, the amount is added to the Affiliate's Paid Balance.


Bulk Actions in Finance Earnings

  • Select multiple Earnings by clicking checkboxes on the left.

  • Press Actions button on the top left corner. Three actions are available:

    1. Change Status: Changes the statuses of multiple Earnings in one click.

    1. Create Invoice: Creates Invoices based on selected Earnings.

      • Affiliates must have a default payment method.

    1. Create Payment: Creates Payments based on selected Earnings.

      • Affiliates must have a default payment method.


During Invoice and Payment creation, you can set statuses.