Auto - Inject Rejected


Auto Injector re-pushes rejected leads to other advertisers until they reach a selected state, for example, FTD.

To create auto-injection for rejected leads do the following

  1. Go to the Injections -> Auto-Injector section

  1. Press Plus button to create a new Injection

  1. Give it a Name and Description

  1. Select Filters

    • Country - Include specific countries or leave blank for any country

    • Advertiser - Include specific Advertiser or leave blank for any advertiser

    • Traffic Source - Specify the traffic source or leave blank for any source

    • State - Rejected Lead

    • Traffic Provider - Leave as is

    • Affiliate - Specify the affiliates or leave blank for any affiliate

  1. Select Time-Range

    • Date From -> Date To - sets the range

    • Hours From -> Hours To - sets specific hours withing the range

    • Day of Week - specify days within the range

  1. Select settings

    • Interval Min-Max - sets the interval in which leads will be injected

    • Retries - sets the amount of re-push attempts

    • Max Retry Interval - sets when to drop a lead if re-push wasn’t successful in the end.

    • Final State - which state should the lead enter to be excluded from Auto Injector

  1. Select whether enable Auto-Login or not

  1. You can add additional fields for Override, such as Affiliate, Offer etc.

  1. Press submit

Now every rejected lead falling to criterias and time-range you’ve setup will be automaticaly re-pushed until he becomes an FTD or reaches the deadline you’ve setup in Max Retry Interval setting.