(LD) Why Was a Lead Rejected?

  1. Open the Traffic Data and search for the Lead in case

    • Email, IP, ID and Hash are most common search tools

  2. Open the Lead by clicking on its ID and see the Logs

    • Check the Brand Order and the responses from Advertisers on push attempts.

    • If the reasons is the error from an Advertiser (and it is not wrong credentials, duplication or blocked country), contact this Advertiser representative and provide him with email and error message.

    • The reasons like wrong credentials, blocked country or duplication are not related to the Advertiser but to Rotation setup, lead multiple registration attempts or wrong data sent.

  3. If the reason is the empty Brand Order: , proceed to the Rotation Control

    • Check the setup of all Folders for this lead (Affiliate and Country folders) for any mistakes and errors (such as a wrong rule, full Cap, disabled Folder or Advertiser)

  4. If everything is correct, but you see the lead attempted to enter wrong Advertisers - the reason must be wrong setup of the Rotation

    • Check if brands and folders are where they should be and properly setup

  5. You can also setup Scheduled Reports on rejected leads, it can contain rejection reason as well so you’ll won’t have to search for it manually.